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 | January 21, 2015 - Update?Posted by: Greg |
You might notice that the forum is gone, and the store has been offline for a long time. The forum was already crumbling--the software I had used hadn't been updated in a long time, and was beginning to feel the weight of ever-increasing PHP errors and spam bots. The error log table was over 2 GB alone. So yeah, I took the forum on the long walk through the one-way door, just like poor Nutsy.
The link to purchase Super Jazz Man should now work, which takes you directly to the Plimus website, which handles the orders and download delivery under Wadjet Eye Games.
I know we owe you a longer update on what's been going on for these past years, but I just wanted to mention these recent small changes.
 | December 28, 2008 - Forum fixedPosted by: Greg |
Well, it took some work, but the forum is finally fixed. Thank you all for your patience! My web host recently migrated my account from one physical server location to another, so something could have happened there. Or, there may have been a malicious attack on the server, since I found the contents of the settings file completely erased. I'm not certain what happened, but at least I was able to get it working again!
 | July 09, 2007 - Email ProblemsPosted by: Greg |
I just learned that due to an hourly limit of outgoing emails from my server, most of the ones I attempted to send to customers--regarding the updated version of Super Jazz Man, download link, etc. were not sent. In the past two hours, I just went through every customer, and personally emailed them the download link for the updated version of Super Jazz Man. Besides that, I also contacted my web server to get the hourly limit of outgoing emails upgraded, which they did. Thanks for your patience!
 | June 25, 2007 - Super Jazz Man UpdatePosted by: Greg |
Alright, so I just finished sending out all the emails to Super Jazz Man customers with download links to the updated version. In the update I removed the copy protection, so hopefully this will prove much less hassle for our customers. As a customer, if you haven't already received this email, please do not hesitate to email me at: admin AT herculeaneffort DOT com
 | May 05, 2007 - An Overdue UpdatePosted by: Greg |
Time for a news update: we've made some updates lately. First of all, the webstore is now stored on a secure server (the payments were always on a secure server, but now the webstore itself is secure). Next, the registration process for Super Jazz Man has been removed. If you'd like to update your copy, I've increased the expiration time of all the purchases so you can redownload it from your account within the webstore. If it still has expired, just drop me an email (admin at herculeaneffort dot com) and I'll get you the latest copy. Also, Manifesto Games has begun marketing and selling Super Jazz Man on their website (they also market and distribute other great games such as The Shivah and The Blackwell Legacy). That's it for now!
 | March 24, 2007 - Reminiscing on ApprenticePosted by: Greg |
Long-time fan, known on the forum as Wormsie, has just written an article titled "Looking Back: The Apprentice". (click the text for a link to the review) The AdventureDevelopers website has been acting slow lately, but hopefully the page will load. Thanks for writing the article, Wormsie!!
 | February 14, 2007 - AGS AwardsPosted by: Ian |
Another annual awards event came and left like the winter wind. The analogy breaks down at the "leaving" part, since I slogged through freezing rain to get to work this morning. If this weather holds, I will have to kiss the sandal tan-lines on my feet goodbye, which sounds grosser than I intended.
For a list of the nominees and resulting winners, go here.I know you readers are very busy, which is why this site is the only one you visit, so I wrote a quick re-cap of the awards. This way you don't have to redirect the browser, and we can all go home happy.
A bunch of good games received awards. Also, The Blackwell Legacy won the category for best character art. Congratulations to all the hardworking artists and condolences to their neglected girlfriends! Yeah, Happy Valentine's Day…don't throw that plate at me.
 | February 01, 2007 - Adventure Gamers Review!Posted by: Greg |
AdventureGamers.com just wrote a nice review of Super Jazz Man. You can read it here: http://www.adventuregamers.com/article/id,719/
 | January 30, 2007 - Nominations OverPosted by: Greg |
Thanks to your support, we received a few nominations for awards in the annual AGS awards, notably in the animation, music, and sound catagories. We are extremely grateful! Now the actual voting is taking place, which can be found here: http://new.bigbluecup.com/awards.php?action=dovote
 | January 26, 2007 - Good News!Posted by: Greg |
I have some exciting news! Super Jazz Man is going to be reviewed in an upcoming edition of Joker Magazine, which is the first and foremost gaming magazine in Slovenija. It's (the demo) also going to be on the cover CD of the popular Ukrainian computer magazine, Domashny PK, so be sure to check that out! We also have some upcoming reviews on several large gaming/adventure gaming websites, so I'll be sure to link those when they're posted.
Big thanks to all our fans for supporting us!
 | January 15, 2007 - AGS AwardsPosted by: Greg |
Well, it's been around three weeks since Super Jazz Man's release, and I've received some good feedback relating to it. We've also got some upcoming reviews on gaming websites, so that's nice too. I wanted to let our fans know, if you enjoyed playing Super Jazz Man, please vote for it in the annual AGS awards. You can place your nominations here: http://new.bigbluecup.com/awards.php?action=nominate
Thanks so much!
 | January 01, 2007 - Playable Demo AvailablePosted by: Greg |
Due to popular demand, a playable demo of Super Jazz Man has now been released.
Click here to download playable demo (1.1 megs)
 | December 21, 2006 - Super Jazz Man Released!Posted by: Greg |
After much hard work, Super Jazz Man is now available for purchase! In case you haven't already stopped reading this and sped to our web store, you can also check out the trailer for the game:
Download trailer (5 megs) Stream trailer (YouTube)
Click the link on the side to head over to our web store, where you can purchase Super Jazz Man for $8.95 USD.
 | December 11, 2006 - Winter Already?Posted by: Ian |
It's getting about that time of year now. Although it hasn't snowed yet, it's a matter of days before Old Man Winter dunks the New Jersey landscape in brown slush, like gravy on mashed potatoes. Or like a giant jelly doughnut filled with toxic waste into a sea of lukewarm coffee.
For now, I'll have to put up with the drifts of litter (Styrofoam take-out cartons, bottles, and McDonald's wrappers) piled in the gutters. Nature handles the recycling over here.
On a cheerier note, I finished the sprite work for Blackwell Legacy last week. If you think that's a workload, Super Jazz Man is officially in beta testing cycle! It's about a permanent press or so away from completion. Gregor's taking his finals this week, so wish him luck!
I'll be in the yard, arranging those holiday lawn decorations I made out of old car parts.
 | November 02, 2006 - Super Jazz Man progress percentagesPosted by: Greg |
I wanted to write a quick note concerning the progress percentages of Super Jazz Man. Some of you may have noticed that I do update the percentages regularly. Anyway, I'm getting really close to finishing all the scripting. I'm tentatively keeping it at 80% complete since there's a tricky puzzle to script next, and I'm unsure how long that'll take to finish, but after that, it's easy street from there on. (song)
Also, I wanted to reassure everyone regarding the percentages to do with the music and sound effects in the game. Making the music for the game doesn't take a lot of time. For example, I made all (if not most) the music for Apprentice 2 in under a week. And that's for large orchestral ensembles, whereas the music for Super Jazz Man is suited more towards small Jazz combos. And the sound effects? Well that's the fun part...
 | October 31, 2006 - Scripting, scripting, scriptingPosted by: Greg |
Progress in Super Jazz Man is being made! There's still work to be done, but the light at the end of the tunnel is visible. I'm really happy with how the game is turning out--you guys are going to love it! So thanks for patiently holding in there!
 | October 13, 2006 - Beat It on Down the LinePosted by: Ian |
Gregor needs to start writing announcements of his own, otherwise this page risks turning into my personal blog. I realize that people only visit for the games, not for the details of my boring little life.
So I'm a pretty big hypocrite, telling people to follow their dreams and whatnot. Always a slave for the buck, I accepted another full-time job two weeks ago. The important thing was that I tasted freedom for a full month.
To keep this on-topic, not a whole lot is new on the HEP front. Gregor is making good progress with the Super Jazz Man coding, while I'm giving the Apprentice 3 design document plenty of fresh water and sunlight.
Don't forget it's a special day today. Yes, that's right: Friday!
 | September 11, 2006 - Money, It's a HitPosted by: Ian |
As the updates are growing, this front page is getting a bit unwieldy. We will start archiving it soon, so be warned! Upon your future revisit, do not be alarmed by truncation.
In case you're wondering about the title, I recently resigned from my job. I've had some good opportunities elsewhere, so I'm taking a break from the salary rat race. The snatch of Pink Floyd lyrics above proves descriptive in a superficial, stream-of-consciousness manner.
It felt bright outside on the day I quit, even though as I left the building rain drizzled from a grey sky. Crosswalk lights turned green on my approach down Avenue of the Americas and turning taxis deferred me the right of way. Even women's pants looked a little tighter.
Since then, I've been telling everyone to quit their job and pursue a genuine interest.
News Archives: 2006: May - August |